Some common HTML tags and what they do
This document is meant to be a guideline and reference. It assumes that you know what HTML is and how to write it. This document is not meant to be a step-by-step tutorial. In many cases, the attributes within a tag are optional. If an attribute has more than one option, those options will be separated by a "|".
- Contains the HTML document.
- Contains the header and title, plus any META tags.
- Contains the title.
<BODY BACKGROUND="image.gif" BGCOLOR="#rrggbb" TEXT="#rrggbb" LINK="#rrggbb" ALINK="#rrggbb" VLINK="#rrggbb"></BODY>
- Contains body copy; BACKGROUND is the background image; the rest are RGB values in hexadecimal of the text, link, active link, and visited link color, respectively.
- Headers in decreasing size 1-6; ALIGN aligns text.
- Paragraph container; ALIGN aligns text.
- Line break; CLEAR clears wrapping text after an image has been aligned left or right.
<HR SIZE="#" WIDTH="#|%">
- Horizontal rule; SIZE is the height in pixels; WIDTH is the width of the rule in pixels or percent of the screen.
<B></B>, <I></I>, <S></S>, <U></U>, <PRE></PRE>
- Text formatting tags. Bold, Italic,
Strikethrough, Underlined, and PREformatted
text, respectively.
<FONT SIZE="#" COLOR="#rrggbb" FACE=""></FONT>
- Changes the font attributes. (FONT will not affect anything within table cells if given outside the table.) SIZE can either be an absolute or relative (+, -) number 1-7; COLOR is the RGB hexadecimal color value. FACE is a font name (only works if that font is installed on the browser's machine.).
<A HREF="" NAME="" TARGET=""></A>
- Anchor to another page/area; HREF is the direction to the new location; NAME is an anchor to arrive at. HREF and NAME are usually mutually exclusive. TARGET specifies which frame or window for the link to appear in, if used. When linking to an anchor, use HREF="#anchorname".
- Unordered list; TYPE is the type of bullet.
<OL START="#" TYPE="A|a|I|i|1"></OL>
- Ordered list; START is the start number; TYPE can be uppercase letter, lowercase letter, uppercase roman, lowercase roman, or numerical, respectively.
- List element.
- Data List.
- Data term (within a data list).
- Data definition (follows a data term).
- Image; SRC is the location of the image; ALT is the text equivalent of the image; WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels; ALIGN BOTTOM|CENTER|ABSMIDDLE|MIDDLE|TOP specifies where the text falls relative to the image; ALIGN LEFT|RIGHT aligns the image to the left or right; HSPACE and VSPACE give horizontal and vertical space around the image; BORDER is the size of the link border; ISMAP is used if the image is an imagemap; USEMAP if the image is a client-side imagemap.
All material, including content, images, and code, is © Copyright 1994-2001 Matthew Duhan, except where noted. All Rights Reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication, in whole or part, is permitted without prior written permission.
For international purposes, copyright on material on pages which display the above notice is claimed under the Berne Convention (1971 Paris text) by Matthew Duhan.