;player:tell_lines($command_utils:read_lines()); *********************************************************************** * Welcome to ANSI 2.2 * *********************************************************************** * This script will install version 2.2 of the ANSI system designed * * by Don Schwarz . This version was updated by * * Remco de Groot . It should be run by a non-wizard * * (probably the second character of the wizard installing the ANSI. * * Good luck! :) * *********************************************************************** . ;;if(player.wizard) player:tell("*** This script was designed to be run by a non-wizard, I would suggest using your second character to install it. If you wish to install it as a wizard, you'll have to remove line 12 from the installation script. A task will now be created to ignore any input from you until you type the text '***ANSI*DONE***' or until this script ends."); while((typeof(a=read(player))==STR)&&(a!="***ANSI*DONE***")) endwhile player:tell("*** Now listening to your commands again."); endif ;player:tell("*** Installing ANSI Utilities ***"); @create $generic_utils named ANSI Utilities,au @prop au."escape" "" "" @prop au."code_red" "e[31m" r @prop au."code_green" "e[32m" r @prop au."code_yellow" "e[33m" r @prop au."code_blue" "e[34m" r @prop au."code_purple" "e[35m" r @prop au."code_cyan" "e[36m" r @prop au."code_normal" "e[0m" r @prop au."code_inverse" "e[7m" r @prop au."code_underline" "e[4m" r @prop au."code_bold" "e[1m" r @prop au."beep" "" "" @prop au."code_bright" "e[1m" r @prop au."group_colors" {} r @set au."group_colors" to {"red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "cyan", "gray", "grey", "magenta", "white"} @prop au."group_bold" {} r @set au."group_bold" to {"bold", "unbold", "bright", "unbright"} @prop au."code_unbold" "e[22m" r @prop au."group_misc" {} r @set au."group_misc" to {"underline", "inverse"} @prop au."code_blink" "e[5m" r @prop au."code_unblink" "e[25m" r @prop au."group_blinking" {} r @set au."group_blinking" to {"blink", "unblink"} @prop au."code_magenta" "e[35m" r @prop au."code_unbright" "e[22m" r @prop au."groups" {} r @set au."groups" to {"bold", "colors", "misc", "blinking", "extra"} @prop au."code_white" "e[37m" r @prop au."noansi_task" 0 r @prop au."all" {} r @set au."all" to {"random", "normal", "null", "bold", "unbold", "bright", "unbright", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "cyan", "gray", "grey", "magenta", "white", "underline", "inverse", "blink", "unblink", "beep"} @prop au."all_regexp" "%[%(random%|normal%|null%|bold%|unbold%|bright%|unbright%|red%|green%|yellow%|blue%|purple%|cyan%|gray%|grey%|magenta%|white%|underline%|inverse%|blink%|unblink%|beep%)%]" r @prop au."group_colors_regexp" "%[%(red%|green%|yellow%|blue%|purple%|cyan%|gray%|grey%|magenta%|white%)%]" r @prop au."group_bold_regexp" "%[%(bold%|unbold%|bright%|unbright%)%]" r @prop au."group_misc_regexp" "%[%(underline%|inverse%)%]" r @prop au."group_blinking_regexp" "%[%(blink%|unblink%)%]" r @prop au."version" "2.2" r @prop au."code_gray" "e[1;30m" r @prop au."code_grey" "e[1;30m" r @prop au."test_screen" {} r @set au."test_screen" to {"Colors - [red]red[normal] Bold Colors - [bold][red]red[normal]", " [green]green[normal] [bold][green]green[normal]", " [blue]blue[normal] [bold][blue]blue[normal]", " [yellow]yellow[normal] [bold][yellow]yellow[normal]", " [cyan]cyan[normal] [bold][cyan]cyan[normal]", " [purple]purple[normal] [bold][purple]purple[normal]", " [gray]gray[normal] [bold][gray]gray[normal]", " [white]white[normal] [bold][white]white[normal]", "", "Blinking - [blink]This text should be blinking. [unblink]This shouldn't.[normal]", "", "Bold - [bold]This text should be bold. [unbold]This shouldn't.[normal]", "", "Inverse - [inverse]This should be inverse, and [red]t[green]h[yellow]i[blue]s[normal][inverse] should be inverse and in color.[normal]", "", "Underline - [underline]This should be underlined.[normal]", "", "Random - [random]All [random]of [random]these [random]words [random]should [random]be [random]written [random]in [random]a [random]different [random]color.[normal]", "", "Beep - [beep]You should hear a beep."} @prop au."extra_codes" {} r @set au."extra_codes" to {"random", "normal", "null"} @prop au."active" 0 r @prop au."random_colors" {} r @set au."random_colors" to {"red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "cyan", "gray", "white"} @prop au."ansi_log" {} r ;;player:my_match_object( "au" ).("ansi_log") = {{"2.1", 820519200, "[cyan]D[gray]ark_[unbold][cyan]O[gray]wl[normal]", {"Updated all the documentation. Fixed up $ansi_pc:@ansi-setup. Fixed up $ansi_utils:notify to be a *much* faster. Changed the format of $ansi_utils.ansi_log and made $ansi_help:ansi_log do the formatting itself. Added $ansi_utils:tell, $ansi_pc:title, $ansi_utils:ansi_title, help ansi-cutoff, $ansi_pc:confunc, $ansi_utils:quote_ansi, $ansi_utils.status_message, $ansi_pc:@ansi-status, help @ansi-status, $ansi_utils:trusts, $ansi_utils.trusted, $ansi_utils:setadd, $ansi_utils:setremove, $ansi_utils:terminate_normal, $ansi_utils:self_diagnostic, and a benchmark test. Fixed a bug in $ansi_utils:replace_group where it was ignoring @ansi-o escape. Removed $ansi_utils:maybe_restart_noansi and replaced it with the less server intensive :cleanup_noansi. Moved the main part of $ansi_utils:cutoff into an internal verb, :cutoff_locs, and made a :cutoff_assign verb that also uses it. Removed $ansi_utils:replace_group and :reset_string and moved it to :notify. Got rid of $ansi_utils.su_ and moved them to regular verbs on $ansi_utils. Fixed up $ansi_pc:linesplit to use $ansi_utils:cutoff_locs. Renamed $ansi_utils:update_regexp to update_all and made it update all the caches. Moved @ansi-setup to $ansi_utils.", "NOTE: $ansi_utils:notify doesn't terminate all strings with a [[null]normal] code anymore, you will have to run the string through $ansi_utils:terminate_normal before calling it.", "The home of the ANSI system is now NestMOO, instead of EnigMOO."}}, {"2.0", 817840800, "[red]D[gray]ark_[unbold][red]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Updated all the documentation, removed $ansi_utils.test_title, added $ansi_pc:set_aliases, added $ansi_pc:@more to fix the one on $player, fixed up @ansi-setup a lot. I'm fairly confident that the ANSI system is now safe and secure."}, {"1.6", 817840800, "[blue]D[gray]ark_[unbold][blue]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Made $ansi_utils:notify, moved all the replacing stuff there, and hacked $ansi_pc:notify to call it instead of notify(). Moved the .noansi_queue, :add_noansi, and :remove_noansi from $ansi_pc to $ansi_utils. I also updated 'help ansi-bugs' now that I tracked down a couple of them."}, {"1.5", 815248800, "[green]Grant[normal]", "Fixed some security problems that allowed players to get a copy of the escape character and use it for malicious purposes. To do that, I got rid of $ansi_pc:replace_ansi and put the code straight in :notify, which is able to pass() now. Also made an @ansi-setup verb for convenient porting, along with some core verb code on $ansi_utils. Fixed randoms to substitute faster by adding .random_colors. Added $ansi_utils:show_who_listing and changed @who to use it."}, {"1.4", 815248800, "[green]Grant[normal]", "In Dark_Owl's absence, I fixed up a lot of code to make it take less ticks, due to the recent lag problems on EnigMOO, which we suspect were called by color codes (most noticeably s). Average :notify call with colors takes around 200 less ticks. Also updated much of the documentation, since I know DO doesn't like to do it ;) Copied the part of $player:set_name that checked whether people had color codes in their name or not to the ANSI PC."}, {"1.3", 812570400, "[green]D[gray]ark_[unbold][green]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Fixed up 'help ansi-programming' a little more. Fixed $string_utils:columnize, for some reason it worked fine here but got screwed up on ForestMOO. Added 'help ansi-porting'."}, {"1.2", 812570400, "[purple]D[gray]ark_[unbold][purple]O[gray]wl[normal]", "$ansi_utils:replace_group now uses substitute(). Added 'help ansi-programming' and 'help ansi-bugs'. Added @ansi-test and 'help @ansi-test'. Cleaned up a lot of other stuff. Added $ansi_utils.active."}, {"1.1", 812570400, "[green]D[gray]ark_[unbold][green]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Fixed up $ansi_pc:notify a little but unfortunately now it requires wizperms and overrides the ones on it's ancestors. Fixed the line wrapping. Added this log, along with $ansi_utils.version. Hacked $ansi_utils:replace_group and $ansi_utils:cutoff to use regexps."}, {"1.0", 809978400, "[cyan]D[gray]ark_[unbold][cyan]O[gray]wl[normal]", "$emu disappears and is replaced with $ansi_utils. $ansi_pc, $ansi_help, $ansi_options, are created and everything on $player is moved to $ansi_pc. @ansi is replaced by @ansi-o."}, {"0.9", 807300000, "[white]D[gray]ark_[unbold][white]O[gray]wl[normal]", "EnigMOO opens resulting in a lot of bug fixes and more core hacks."}, {"0.6", 799351200, "[cyan]D[gray]ark_[unbold][cyan]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Fixed up @ansi some more, fixed a lot more core stuff including $generic_editor, and made it possible to ignore ANSI codes."}, {"0.4", 788983200, "[yellow]D[gray]ark_[unbold][yellow]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Fixed up @ansi a little and hacked some core stuff, mostly on $string_utils to fix columnizing. $emu:replace is hacked to use strsub() as opposed to going through letter by letter, ick."}, {"0.2", 781034400, "[purple]D[gray]ark_[unbold][purple]O[gray]wl[normal]", "Added an .ansi_on property on $player and a primitive @ansi command to turn it on and off."}, {"0.1", 778442400, "[white]D[gray]ark_[unbold][white]O[gray]wl[normal]", "First version, added $emu and hacked $player:notify to call it."}} @prop au."noansi_queue" {} r @prop au."need_wizperms" {} r @set au."need_wizperms" to {{"ansi_pc", "@more"}, {"ansi_pc", "notify"}, {"ansi_utils", "notify"}, {"ansi_utils", "@ansi-setup"}} @prop au."code_beep" "b" r @prop au."status_message" "" r @prop au."trusted" {} r @prop au."diagnostic_tests" {} r @set au."diagnostic_tests" to {"benchmark"} @prop au."redirect_su_names" {} r @set au."redirect_su_names" to {"left", "right", "center centre", "columnize columnise", "space"} @prop au."redirect_su_code" {} r @set au."redirect_su_code" to {"\"...redirects verbs to $ansi_utils...\";", "if (verb == \"redirect_ansi\")", "elseif (valid(au = $ansi_utils))", " return au:(verb)(@args);", "else", " return this:(verb + \"(noansi)\")(@args);", "endif"} @prop au."default_codes" {} r @set au."default_codes" to {"white", "unbold", "unblink", "null"} @prop au."code_null" "" r @prop au."code_random" "" r @prop au."group_extra" {} r @set au."group_extra" to {"beep"} @prop au."group_extra_regexp" "%[%(beep%)%]" r @prop au."terminate_regexp" "%[%(random%|normal%|bold%|bright%|unbright%|red%|green%|yellow%|blue%|purple%|cyan%|gray%|grey%|magenta%|underline%|inverse%|blink%)%]" r @prop au."replace_code_pointers" {} r @set au."replace_code_pointers" to {{"bold", "unbold", "bright", "unbright", "normal", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "cyan", "gray", "grey", "magenta", "white", "underline", "inverse", "beep"}} @prop au."notify_regexp" "%[%(random%|normal%|bold%|unbold%|bright%|unbright%|red%|green%|yellow%|blue%|purple%|cyan%|gray%|grey%|magenta%|white%|underline%|inverse%|blink%|unblink%|beep%)%]" r @prop au."reset_guest_props" {} r @set au."reset_guest_props" to {"ansi_options", "replace_codes"} @prop au."ge_fill_string" {} r @set au."ge_fill_string" to {"if (valid(au = $ansi_utils) && au.active)", " return au:(verb)(@args);", "else", " return this:(verb + \"(noansi)\")(@args);", "endif"} @prop au."plr_db_insert" {} r @set au."plr_db_insert" to {"typeof(args[1]) == NUM && typeof(args[2]) == STR && (args[2] = $ansi_utils:delete(args[2]));", "typeof(args[1]) == STR && (args[1] = $ansi_utils:delete(args[1]));", "return pass(@args);"} @set au."help_msg" to {"A utility package for controlling ANSI sequences from within the MOO. See 'help ansi-intro' for more info."} @desc au as {"A utility for controlling ANSI sequences from within the MOO. See 'help ansi-intro' for more info."} @verb au:"length" this none this @program au:length return length(index(a = args[1], "[") ? this:delete(a) | a); . @verb au:"index rindex" this none this @program au:index ":[r]index (STR string, STR character, NUM case_matters)"; "like index() and rindex() but ignores ANSI codes"; return (verb == "index") ? index(this:delete(args[1]), @listdelete(args, 1)) | rindex(this:delete(args[1]), @listdelete(args, 1)); . @verb au:"contains_codes" this none this rx @program au:contains_codes ":contains_codes(STR string) => True if contains any ANSI codes"; return !(!match(args[1], this.all_regexp)); . @verb au:"delete" this none this @program au:delete ":delete (STR string) => STR with ANSI codes stripped out"; line = args[1]; if (this.active) while (index = match(line, this.notify_regexp)) line[index[1]..index[2]] = ""; endwhile line = strsub(line, "[null]", ""); endif return line; . @verb au:"update_all" this none this rx @program au:update_all if (!this:trusts(caller_perms())) return E_PERM; endif codes = this.extra_codes; "...we really don't need group regexps anymore, but I'm going to keep them around for a while just in case..."; for x in (this.groups) this.(tostr("group_", x, "_regexp")) = tostr("%[%(", $string_utils:from_list(g = this.("group_" + x), "%|"), "%)%]"); codes = {@codes, @g}; endfor this.all = codes; this.all_regexp = tostr("%[%(", $string_utils:from_list(codes, "%|"), "%)%]"); this.terminate_regexp = tostr("%[%(", $string_utils:from_list($set_utils:difference(codes, {@this.default_codes, @this.group_extra}), "%|"), "%)%]"); this.notify_regexp = tostr("%[%(", $string_utils:from_list(setremove(codes, "null"), "%|"), "%)%]"); colors = {}; ccs = {}; for x in (this.group_colors) if (!((a = this:get_code(x, "ESC")) in ccs)) colors = setadd(colors, x); ccs = setadd(ccs, a); endif endfor this.random_colors = colors; this.replace_code_pointers = {}; index = 0; leaves = $object_utils:leaves_suspended($ansi_pc); data = {}; ll = length(leaves); "...this will probably have to suspend on most large MOOs but you'll have to rewrite it so it can.."; while (index <= ll) index = index + 1; if (!is_player(leaves[index])) elseif (typeof(x = this:update_player_codes(leaves[index])) != LIST) elseif (!(i = $list_utils:iassoc(x, data, 2))) data = listappend(data, {1, x}); elseif ((((data[i][1] + 1) * length(x)) / ll) >= 6) "Must be at least 25% of people for 25 element long lists..."; " 50% 12..."; " 12% 50... etc"; this.replace_code_pointers = listappend(this.replace_code_pointers, x); index = 0; data = {}; else data[i][1] = data[i][1] + 1; endif endwhile . @verb au:"get_code" this none this rx @program au:get_code return (caller == this) ? strsub(strsub(this.("code_" + args[1]), "e", args[2] || this.escape, 1), "b", this.beep) | E_PERM; . @verb au:"cutoff*_suspended" this none this rx @program au:cutoff ":cutoff[_suspended] (STR string, NUM start, NUM end) => STR"; "Acts like: string[start..end] but ignores ANSI codes."; args = {@args, 0}[1..4]; if (typeof(info = this:cutoff_locs(@args, verb == "cutoff_suspended")) == LIST) return args[1][info[1]..info[2]]; else return info; endif . @verb au:"add_group" this none this @program au:add_group ":add_group (STR group)"; "Adds to the groups and makes a property for it."; if (!this:trusts(caller_perms())) return E_PERM; elseif (!((args && args[1]) && (typeof(args[1]) == STR))) return E_INVARG; elseif (args[1] in this.groups) return 0; else this.groups = setadd(this.groups, args[1]); arg1 = {this, "group_" + args[1], {}, {$code_utils:verb_perms(), "r"}}; arg2 = {this, tostr("group_", args[1], "_regexp"), "", arg1[4]}; if ($object_utils:has_callable_verb(#0, "add_property")) #0:add_property(@arg1); #0:add_property(@arg2); else add_property(@arg1); add_property(@arg2); endif $ansi_options:add_name(args[1]); return 1; endif . @verb au:"add_code" this none this @program au:add_code ":add_code (STR code, NUM/STR sequence, STR group)"; "Adds a new code, and adds it to group ."; "If is a string, it is used as the ANSI sequence, otherwise"; "it uses 'e[m'. 'e' is replaced with the escape character, and"; "'b' is replaced with the beep character in "; if (!this:trusts(caller_perms())) return E_PERM; elseif (length(args) < 3) return E_ARGS; elseif (!(((args[1] && (typeof(args[1]) == STR)) && (!$object_utils:has_property(this, cn = tostr("code_", args[1])))) && ((group = args[3]) in {@this.groups, E_NONE}))) return E_INVARG; else code = args[2]; if (typeof(code) == NUM) code = tostr("e[", n, "m"); endif arg = {this, cn, code, {$code_utils:verb_perms(), "r"}}; if ($object_utils:has_verb(#0, "add_property")) #0:add_property(@arg); else add_property(@arg); endif if (args[3] == E_NONE) this.extra_codes = setadd(this.extra_codes, args[1]); else this.("group_" + args[3]) = setadd(this.("group_" + args[3]), args[1]); endif this:update_all(); return 1; endif . @verb au:"show_who_listing" this none this rx @program au:show_who_listing ":show_who_listing(players[,more_players])"; " prints a listing of the indicated players."; " For players in the first list, idle/connected times are shown if the player is logged in, otherwise the last_disconnect_time is shown. For players in the second list, last_disconnect_time is shown, no matter whether the player is logged in."; idles = itimes = offs = otimes = listing = {}; for p in (args[2]) if (!valid(p)) listing = {@listing, tostr(p, " ")}; elseif (typeof(t = p.last_disconnect_time) == NUM) (p in offs) || ((offs = {@offs, p}) && (otimes = {@otimes, {-t, -t, p}})); elseif (is_player(p)) listing = {@listing, tostr(p.name, " (", p, ") ", (t == E_PROPNF) ? "is not a $player." | "has a garbled .last_disconnect_time.")}; else listing = {@listing, tostr(p.name, " (", p, ") is not a player.")}; endif endfor for p in (args[1]) if (p in offs) elseif (!valid(p)) listing = {@listing, tostr(p, " ")}; elseif ((typeof(i = idle_seconds(p)) != ERR) && (p in connected_players())) (p in idles) || ((idles = {@idles, p}) && (itimes = {@itimes, {i, connected_seconds(p), p}})); elseif (typeof(t = p.last_disconnect_time) == NUM) (offs = {@offs, p}) && (otimes = {@otimes, {-t, -t, p}}); elseif (is_player(p)) listing = {@listing, tostr(p.name, " (", p, ") not logged in.", (t == E_PROPNF) ? " Not a $player." | " Garbled .last_disconnect_time.")}; else listing = {@listing, tostr(p.name, " (", p, ") is not a player.")}; endif endfor if (!(idles || offs)) return 0; endif idles = $list_utils:sort_alist(itimes); offs = $list_utils:sort_alist(otimes); headers = {"Player name", @idles ? {"Connected", "Idle time"} | {"Last disconnect time", ""}, "Location"}; total_width = caller:linelen() || 79; max_name = total_width / 4; name_width = length(headers[1]); names = locations = {}; for lst in ({@idles, @offs}) ((ticks_left() < 2000) || (seconds_left() < 2)) && suspend(0); p = lst[3]; "p.name and this:ansi_title(p) should be the same length, saves a call to this:length"; namestr = tostr(this:cutoff(this:ansi_title(p), 1, min(max_name, z = length(p.name)), 1), " (", p, ")"); name_width = max((z + 3) + length(tostr(p)), name_width); names = {@names, namestr}; (typeof(wlm = p.location:who_location_msg(p)) == STR) || (wlm = valid(p.location) ? p.location.name | tostr("** Nowhere ** (", p.location, ")")); locations = {@locations, wlm}; endfor time_width = offs ? 15 | 13; before = {0, w1 = 3 + name_width, w2 = w1 + time_width, w2 + time_width}; su = $string_utils; tell1 = headers[1]; tell2 = su:space(tell1, "-"); for j in [2..4] tell1 = su:left(tell1, before[j]) + headers[j]; tell2 = su:left(tell2, before[j]) + su:space(headers[j], "-"); endfor listing = {@listing, tell1[1..min(length(tell1), total_width)]}; listing = {@listing, tell2[1..min(length(tell2), total_width)]}; "..."; "...print lines..."; "..."; active = 0; for i in [1..total = (ilen = length(idles)) + length(offs)] if (i <= ilen) lst = idles[i]; if (lst[1] < (5 * 60)) active = active + 1; endif l = {names[i], su:from_seconds(lst[2]), su:from_seconds(lst[1]), locations[i]}; else lct = offs[i - ilen][3].last_connect_time; ldt = offs[i - ilen][3].last_disconnect_time; ctime = caller:ctime(ldt) || ctime(ldt); l = {names[i], (lct <= time()) ? ctime | "Never", "", locations[i]}; if ((i == (ilen + 1)) && idles) listing = {@listing, su:space(before[2]) + "------- Disconnected -------"}; endif endif tell1 = l[1]; for j in [2..4] tell1 = su:left(tell1, before[j]) + l[j]; endfor listing = {@listing, this:cutoff(tell1, 1, min(this:length(tell1), total_width))}; if ($command_utils:running_out_of_time()) if ($login:is_lagging()) "Check lag two ways---global lag, but we might still fail due to individual lag of the queue this runs in, so check again later."; listing = {@listing, tostr("Plus ", total - i, " other players (", total, " total; out of time and lag is high).")}; return; endif now = time(); suspend(0); if ((time() - now) > 10) listing = {@listing, tostr("Plus ", total - i, " other players (", total, " total; out of time and lag is high).")}; return; endif endif endfor "..."; "...epilogue..."; listing = {@listing, ""}; if (total == 1) active_str = ", who has" + ((active == 1) ? "" | " not"); else if (active == total) active_str = (active == 2) ? "s, both" | "s, all"; elseif (active == 0) active_str = "s, none"; else active_str = tostr("s, ", active); endif active_str = tostr(active_str, " of whom ha", (active == 1) ? "s" | "ve"); endif listing = {@listing, tostr("Total: ", total, " player", active_str, " been active recently.")}; vrb = ((caller==$login) || $perm_utils:controls($code_utils:verb_perms(), caller)) ? "notify" | "tell"; for line in (listing) caller:(vrb)(line); ((seconds_left() < 2) || (ticks_left() < 4000)) && suspend(0); endfor return total; . @verb au:"notify" this none this rx @program au:notify ":notify (OBJ player, STR line[, extra parameters for notify])"; set_task_perms(caller_perms()); plr = args[1]; line = args[2]; "...use property_info() instead of $object_utils:isa to save ticks..."; if (((((index(line, "[") && valid(plr)) && property_info(plr, "ansi_options")) && this.active) && (!(task_id() in this.noansi_queue))) && (!plr:ansi_option("ignore"))) codes = (typeof(z = plr.replace_codes) == NUM) ? this.replace_code_pointers[z] | z; esc = plr:ansi_option("escape"); while (m = match(line, this.notify_regexp)) z = line[m[1] + 1..m[2] - 1]; (z == "random") && (z = this.random_colors[random(length(this.random_colors))]); line[m[1]..m[2]] = (z in codes) ? this:get_code(z, esc) | ""; endwhile line = strsub(line, "[null]", ""); endif return notify(plr, line, @args[3..length(args)]); . @verb au:"add_noansi" this none this @program au:add_noansi ":add_noansi()"; "Called by tasks to tell players to ignore any ANSI codes from them."; "Can be undone with a call to :remove_noansi"; if ((length(this.noansi_queue) > 30) && (!$code_utils:task_valid(this.noansi_task))) fork tid (0) this:cleanup_noansi(); endfork this.noansi_task = tid; endif this.noansi_queue = setadd(this.noansi_queue, task_id()); . @verb au:"remove_noansi" this none this @program au:remove_noansi ":remove_noansi()"; "Start translating the ANSI codes from the current task again"; this.noansi_queue = setremove(this.noansi_queue, task_id()); . @verb au:"tell" this none this @program au:tell return; . @verb au:"self_diagnostic" this none this rx @program au:self_diagnostic ":self_diagnostic ([NUM fix[, OBJ plyr]]) => NUM errors fixed"; "Reports all errors found to or the current player."; "Fixes any errors it can if is specified and true."; " is the errors that could have been fixed if is false."; if (!this:trusts(caller_perms())) return E_PERM; else count = 0; for x in (this.diagnostic_tests) player:tell("Running test \"", x, "\"..."); count = count + (!(!this:("test_" + x)(@args))); endfor return count; endif . @verb au:"trusts" this none this @program au:trusts ":trusts (OBJ player) => true of is trusted by the ANSI system."; return (args[1].wizard || (args[1] == this.owner)) || (args[1] in this.trusted); . @verb au:"cutoff_locs" this none this rx @program au:cutoff_locs ":cutoff_locs (STR string,NUM start,NUM end[,NUM extra][, NUM suspendok])"; " => {nstart, nend}"; "Takes and , fixes them to compensate for the ANSI codes, and"; "returns them. If is provided and true, will include the"; "codes after the ending letter."; start = args[2]; end = args[3]; if (typeof(string = args[1]) != STR) return E_INVARG; elseif (!(index(string, "[") && this.active)) return {start, (end == "$") ? length(string) | end}; elseif (start > end) return args[2..3]; endif i = begin = 0; x = 1; extra = {@args, 0}[4]; reg = this.all_regexp; l = length(string); suspendok = {@args, 0}[5]; while (x <= l) ((suspendok && ((ticks_left() < 1000) || (seconds_left() < 2))) && player:tell("suspending...")) && suspend(0); if (m = match(string, reg)) i = i + (m[1] - 1); if ((!begin) && ((i + 1) >= start)) begin = (((x + m[1]) - i) + start) - 2; if (end == "$") return {begin, l}; endif endif if (begin && ((i - extra) >= end)) return {begin, (((x + m[1]) - i) + end) - 2}; endif x = x + m[2]; string[1..m[2]] = ""; else return {begin || (((x - i) + start) - 1), (end == "$") ? l | (((x - i) + end) - 1)}; endif endwhile return ((end == i) && begin) ? {begin, l} | E_RANGE; . @verb au:"cleanup_noansi" this none this @program au:cleanup_noansi while (this.noansi_queue && (!$command_utils:running_out_of_time())) x = this.noansi_queue[1]; if (!$code_utils:task_valid(x)) this.noansi_queue = setremove(this.noansi_queue, x); endif endwhile . @verb au:"test_benchmark" this none this @program au:test_benchmark if (caller != this) return E_PERM; else new = $recycler:_create($ansi_pc); if (typeof(new) != OBJ) return player:tell("Unable to create Benchmark test player: ", new); endif new:set_name("Benchmark_test_player"); suspend(0); ticks = ticks_left(); seconds = seconds_left(); for x in [1..3] $ansi_utils:notify(new, "[blue]B[bold]e[unbold]n[bold]c[unbold]h[bold]m[unbold]a[bold]r[unbold]k [red]T[bold]e[unbold]s[bold]t [random].[random].[random].[random].[random]."); endfor ticks = ticks - ticks_left(); seconds = seconds - seconds_left(); new:set_ansi_option("colors", 1); new:set_ansi_option("escape", "~"); new:set_ansi_option("misc", 1); ticks = ticks + ticks_left(); seconds = seconds + seconds_left(); for x in [1..3] $ansi_utils:notify(new, "[blue]B[bold]e[unbold]n[bold]c[unbold]h[bold]m[unbold]a[bold]r[unbold]k [red]T[bold]e[unbold]s[bold]t [random].[random].[random].[random].[random]."); endfor for x in [1..3] $ansi_utils:notify(new, "Testing..."); endfor this:add_noansi(); for x in [1..3] $ansi_utils:notify(new, "[blue]B[bold]e[unbold]n[bold]c[unbold]h[bold]m[unbold]a[bold]r[unbold]k [red]T[bold]e[unbold]s[bold]t [random].[random].[random].[random].[random]."); endfor this:remove_noansi(); ticks = ticks - ticks_left(); seconds = seconds - seconds_left(); $recycler:_recycle(new); player:tell("12 notifies: ", ticks, " tick", (ticks == 1) ? "" | "s", ", ", seconds, " second", (seconds == 1) ? "" | "s", "."); endif . @verb au:"cutoff_assign" this none this @program au:cutoff_assign ":cutoff_assign (STR string, NUM start, NUM end, STR replacement[, NUM extra])"; " => STR"; "Example:"; " string[2..3] = \"test\";"; "Is the same as:"; " string = $ansi_utils:cutoff_assign(string, 2, 3, \"test\");"; "Except that it ignores the ANSI codes in when finding and"; ". If is specified and true, any codes after but before"; "the next character will also be overwritten."; if (typeof(a = this:cutoff_locs(@listdelete(args, 4))) == LIST) args[1][a[1]..a[2]] = args[4]; return args[1]; else return a; endif . @verb au:"setadd" this none this @program au:setadd ":setadd (LIST l, value) => LIST"; "Does the same thing as the built-in setadd(), but if is a string,"; "it won't be added to if with it's ANSI codes stripped out equals"; "any of 's elements with their ANSI codes stripped out."; l = args[1]; if ((typeof(value = args[2]) == STR) && this:contains_codes(value)) nvalue = this:delete(value); for x in (l) if ((typeof(x) == STR) && (this:delete(x) == nvalue)) return l; endif endfor endif return setadd(l, value); . @verb au:"setremove" this none this @program au:setremove ":setremove (LIST l, value) => LIST"; "Does the same thing as the built-in setremove(), but if is a"; "string, it will remove any string in that, when it's ANSI codes are"; "stripped out, is equal to with it's ANSI codes stripped out."; l = args[1]; if ((typeof(value = args[2]) != STR) || (!this:contains_codes(value))) return setremove(l, value); endif nvalue = this:delete(value); for x in [-length(l)..-1] x = -x; if ((typeof(l[x]) == STR) && (this:delete(l[x]) == nvalue)) l = listdelete(l, x); endif endfor return l; . @verb au:"ansi_status" this none this @program au:ansi_status mess = {}; mess = {@mess, tostr("ANSI Version ", this.version, ":")}; a = 0; for x in (this.groups) a = a + length(this.("group_" + x)); endfor mess = {@mess, tostr("It is ", this.active ? "currently" | "not", " active. There are ", $string_utils:english_number(a), " codes defined in ", $string_utils:english_number(length(this.groups)), " groups. There ", (length(this.noansi_queue) == 1) ? "is" | "are", " ", $string_utils:english_number(length(this.noansi_queue)), " tasks in the ignore ANSI task queue, and the cleanup task is ", $code_utils:task_valid(this.noansi_queue) ? "currently" | "not", " running.")}; return mess; . @verb au:"terminate_normal" this none this @program au:terminate_normal ":terminate_normal (STR string) => STR with a [[null]normal] code"; "tacked onto the end if there wasn't one"; if (!index(string = args[1], "[")) return string; endif m = rmatch(string, this.terminate_regexp); while ((string && m) && (m[2] == length(string))) string = string[1..m[1] - 1]; m = rmatch(string, this.terminate_regexp); endwhile return string && (string + ((m && (string[m[1]..m[2]] != "[normal]")) ? "[normal]" | "")); . @verb au:"left" this none this @program au:left "$ansi_utils:left(string,width[,filler])"; ""; "Assures that is at least characters wide. Returns if it is at least that long, or else followed by enough filler to make it that wide. If is negative and the length of is greater than the absolute value of , then the is cut off at ."; ""; "The is optional and defaults to \" \"; it controls what is used to fill the resulting string when it is too short. The is replicated as many times as is necessary to fill the space in question."; return this:terminate_normal(z = ((l = this:length(out = tostr(args[1]))) < (len = abs(args[2]))) ? out + this:space(l - len, ((length(args) >= 3) && args[3]) || " ") | ((args[2] > 0) ? out | this:cutoff(out, 1, len))); . @verb au:"right" this none this @program au:right "$ansi_utils:right(string,width[,filler])"; ""; "Assures that is at least characters wide. Returns if it is at least that long, or else preceded by enough filler to make it that wide. If is negative and the length of is greater than the absolute value of , then is cut off at ."; ""; "The is optional and defaults to \" \"; it controls what is used to fill the resulting string when it is too short. The is replicated as many times as is necessary to fill the space in question."; return this:terminate_normal(((l = this:length(out = tostr(args[1]))) < (len = abs(args[2]))) ? this:space(len - l, ((length(args) >= 3) && args[3]) || " ") + out | ((args[2] > 0) ? out | this:cutoff(out, 1, len))); . @verb au:"centre center" this none this @program au:center "$ansi_utils:center(string,width[,lfiller[,rfiller]])"; ""; "Assures that is at least characters wide. Returns if it is at least that long, or else preceded and followed by enough filler to make it that wide. If is negative and the length of is greater than the absolute value of , then the is cut off at ."; ""; "The is optional and defaults to \" \"; it controls what is used to fill the left part of the resulting string when it is too short. The is optional and defaults to the value of ; it controls what is used to fill the right part of the resulting string when it is too short. In both cases, the filler is replicated as many times as is necessary to fill the space in question."; return this:terminate_normal(((l = this:length(out = tostr(args[1]))) < (len = abs(args[2]))) ? tostr(this:space((len - l) / 2, lfill = ((length(args) >= 3) && args[3]) || " "), out, this:space(((len - l) + 1) / -2, (length(args) >= 4) ? args[4] | lfill)) | ((args[2] > 0) ? out | this:cutoff(out, 1, len))); . @verb au:"columnize columnise" this none this @program au:columnize "columnize (items, n [, width]) - Turn a one-column list of items into an n-column list. 'width' is the last character position that may be occupied; it defaults to a standard screen width. Example: To tell the player a list of numbers in three columns, do 'player:tell_lines ($string_utils:columnize ({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, 3));'."; items = args[1]; n = args[2]; width = {@args, 79}[3]; height = ((length(items) + n) - 1) / n; items = {@items, @$list_utils:make((height * n) - length(items), "")}; colwidths = {}; for col in [1..n - 1] colwidths = listappend(colwidths, 1 - (((width + 1) * col) / n)); endfor result = {}; for row in [1..height] line = tostr(items[row]); for col in [1..n - 1] line = tostr(this:terminate_normal(this:left(line, colwidths[col])), " ", items[row + (col * height)]); endfor result = listappend(result, this:terminate_normal(this:cutoff(line, 1, min(this:length(line), width)))); endfor return result; . @verb au:"space" this none this @program au:space "space(len,fill) returns a string of length abs(len) consisting of copies of fill. If len is negative, fill is anchored on the right instead of the left."; n = args[1]; (typeof(n) == STR) && (n = this:length(n)); if (" " != (fill = {@args, " "}[2])) fill = fill + fill; fill = fill + fill; fill = fill + fill; elseif ((n = abs(n)) < 70) return " "[1..n]; else fill = " "; endif m = (n - 1) / this:length(fill); while (m) fill = fill + fill; m = m / 2; endwhile return (n > 0) ? this:cutoff(fill, 1, n) | this:cutoff(fill, ((f = this:length(fill)) + 1) + n, f); . @verb au:"ansi_title" this none this rx @program au:ansi_title ":ansi_title (OBJ player[, STR name]) => STR 's title"; "If is specified, it will be used instead of .name"; name = {@args, args[1].name}[2]; for x in (args[1].ansi_title) if (typeof(x[2]) == LIST) nn = x[2][random(length(x[2]))]; else nn = x[2]; endif nn && (name = strsub(name, x[1], nn)); endfor return name; . @verb au:"strip_black" this none this @program au:strip_black gray = 0; x = 1; string = args[1]; l = length(string); while ((x <= l) && (m = match(string[x..l], this.all_regexp))) code = string[x + m[1]..(x + m[2]) - 2]; if (code in {"gray", "grey"}) gray = 1; elseif (code in this.group_colors) gray = 0; elseif (gray && (code == "unbold")) string[x + m[2]..(x + m[2]) - 1] = "[white]"; x = x + 7; endif x = x + m[2]; endwhile return string; . @verb au:"quote_ansi" this none this @program au:quote_ansi ":quote_ansi (STR string) => STR new_string"; "Puts a [[null]null] code in the middle of all of the other codes in "; "so they won't be replaced."; return strsub(args[1], "[", "[[null]"); "...should probably only fix real codes, but this works for now..."; . @verb au:"update_player_codes" this none this @program au:update_player_codes ":update_player_codes (OBJ player)"; "Updates 's .replace_codes property"; if (!this:trusts(caller_perms())) return E_PERM; elseif ($object_utils:isa(plr = args[1], $ansi_pc)) codes = {}; for x in (this.groups) if (plr:ansi_option(x)) codes = {@codes, @this.("group_" + x)}; (x == "extra") || (codes = setadd(codes, "normal")); endif endfor return plr.replace_codes = (codes in this.replace_code_pointers) || codes; endif . @verb au:"fill_string" this none this @program au:fill_string "fill(string,width[,prefix])"; "tries to cut into substrings of length < along word boundaries. Prefix, if supplied, will be prefixed to the 2nd..last substrings."; if (length(args) < 2) width = 2 + player:linelen(); prefix = ""; else width = args[2] + 1; prefix = {@args, ""}[3]; endif if (width < (3 + length(prefix))) return E_INVARG; endif string = ("$" + args[1]) + " $"; len = this:length(string); if (len <= width) last = len - 1; next = len; else last = this:rindex(this:cutoff(string, 1, width), " "); if (last < ((width + 1) / 2)) last = width + this:index(this:cutoff(string, width + 1, "$", 1), " "); endif next = last; while (string[next = next + 1] == " ") endwhile endif while (string[last = last - 1] == " ") endwhile ret = {this:cutoff(string, 2, last)}; width = width - length(prefix); minlast = (width + 1) / 2; while (next < len) string = this:cutoff_assign(string, 1, next - 1, "$"); "string = \"$\" + string[next..len];"; len = (len - next) + 2; if (len <= width) last = len - 1; next = len; else last = this:rindex(this:cutoff(string, 1, width), " "); if (last < minlast) last = width + this:index(this:cutoff(string, width + 1, "$", 1), " "); endif next = last; while (string[next = next + 1] == " ") endwhile endif while (string[last = last - 1] == " ") endwhile if (last > 1) ret = {@ret, prefix + this:cutoff(string, 2, last)}; endif endwhile return ret; . @verb au:"@ansi-setup" this none none rx @program au:@ansi-setup "Usage: @ansi-setup "; "Used to fix various core utilities to work with ANSI. This verb can only be used by a wizard, and needs wizperms to run."; "Ugh, this verb is getting out of control, this stuff should all be moved to diagnostic tests."; if (!player.wizard) player:tell("This verb was intended to fix up the rest of a MOO's core so it can function properly with the ANSI PC. If something's wrong, ask a wizard to set this up for you."); elseif (!$code_utils:verb_perms().wizard) player:tell("This verb needs to be wizpermed before it can work."); elseif (!$command_utils:yes_or_no("This will change various verbs in the core so they can be used with the ANSI PC, overwriting the previous verbs. Are you sure you want to do this?")) player:notify("Well, okay then."); else set_task_perms(valid(cp = caller_perms()) ? cp | player); spiffy = 1; "----== Corify Objects ==----"; for x in ({"help", "pc", "utils", "options"}) prop = "ansi_" + x; if (!$object_utils:has_property($sysobj, prop)) add_property($sysobj, prop, #-1, {player, "r"}); player:notify(tostr("Creating a $", prop, " property.")); endif if (valid($sysobj.(prop))) elseif (x == "utils") player:notify(tostr("Setting $", prop, " to ", $string_utils:nn(this), ".")); $sysobj.(prop) = this; else objects = {}; for o in ({@player.owned_objects || {}, @player.public_identity.owned_objects || {}, @player.contents || {}, @player.location.contents || {}}) if (index(o.name, "ANSI") && index(o.name, strsub(x, "s", ""))) objects = setadd(objects, o); endif endfor if (!objects) return player:notify(tostr("Unable to find $", prop, ", please port this object and set #0.", prop, " to it's object number.")); elseif (length(objects) == 1) player:notify(tostr("Setting $", prop, " to ", $string_utils:nn(objects[1]), ".")); $sysobj.(prop) = objects[1]; else return player:notify(tostr("Found ", length(objects), " objects that could be $", prop, ", please set #0.", prop, " to the object number of the correct one: ", $string_utils:nn_list(objects))); endif endif endfor "----== Wizperm everything that should be ==----"; for x in (this.need_wizperms) if (!(info = verb_info(y = $sysobj.(x[1]), x[2]))[1].wizard) player:notify(tostr("Wizperming $", x[1], ":", x[2], "...")); set_verb_info(y, x[2], listset(info, player, 1)); endif endfor if (!($ansi_help in ((typeof(ah = $ansi_pc.help) == LIST) ? ah | {ah}))) player:notify("Setting $ansi_pc.help..."); $ansi_pc.help = $ansi_help; endif "----== Various core hacks ==----"; su = $string_utils; if (!$object_utils:has_callable_verb(su, "redirect_ansi")) player:notify("Adding $string_utils:redirect_ansi..."); add_verb(su, {$hacker, "rx", "redirect_ansi"}, {"this", "none", "this"}); set_verb_code(su, "redirect_ansi", this.redirect_su_code); endif for x in (this.redirect_su_names) if ((info = verb_info(su, x)) && (!index(info[3], "redirect_ansi"))) nn = ""; for y in ($string_utils:explode(info[3], " ")) nn = tostr(nn, " ", y, "(noansi)"); endfor set_verb_info(su, x, listset(info, $string_utils:triml(nn), 3)); player:notify(tostr("Renaming $string_utils:\"", info[3], "\" to \"", nn, "\"...")); endif endfor redirect = $string_utils:from_list({"redirect_ansi", @this.redirect_su_names}, " "); if ((info = verb_info(su, "redirect_ansi"))[3] != redirect) player:notify(tostr("Renaming $string_utils:redirect_ansi to \"", redirect, "\".")); set_verb_info(su, "redirect_ansi", listset(info, redirect, 3)); endif $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); ((!((length(vc = verb_code($login, "notify")) == 2) && index(vc[2], "$ansi_utils:delete"))) && $command_utils:yes_or_no("Update $login:notify?")) ? set_verb_code($login, "notify", {"(caller!=$ansi_utils)&&set_task_perms(caller_perms());notify(player,$ansi_utils:delete(args[1]));"}) || player:notify("$login:notify changed.") | ((spiffy = 0) || player:notify("$login:notify left alone.")); thatline = "line[1..min(width, length(line))]"; newline = "$ansi_utils:cutoff(line,1,min(width,$ansi_utils:length(line)))"; for x in ({"mail_agent", "big_mail_recipient"}) vc = $string_utils:print(verb_code(y = $sysobj.(x), vn = "display_seq_headers")); player:notify(tostr("$", x, ":", vn, " ", ((index(vc, thatline) && $command_utils:yes_or_no(tostr("Replace \"", thatline, "\" in $", x, ":", vn, " with \"", newline, "\"?"))) && (set_verb_code(y, vn, $string_utils:to_value(strsub(vc, thatline, newline))[2]) == {})) ? "changed." | ((spiffy = 0) || "left alone."))); endfor code = {}; for x in (verb_code($login, "@who")) code = {@code, strsub(x, "$code_utils:show_who_listing", "$ansi_utils:show_who_listing")}; endfor if (code != verb_code($login, "@who")) player:notify("Setting $login:@who..."); set_verb_code($login, "@who", code); endif $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); code = {}; for x in (verb_code($guest, "do_reset", 0, 0)) if ((m = match(x, "^for x in (%(%{.+%}%))$")) && (info = $string_utils:to_value(substitute("%1", m)))[1]) x = tostr("for x in (", $string_utils:print($set_utils:union(info[2], $ansi_utils.reset_guest_props)), ")"); endif code = {@code, x}; $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); endfor if (code != verb_code($guest, "do_reset", 0, 0)) player:notify("Setting $guest:do_reset..."); set_verb_code($guest, "do_reset", code); endif code = {}; for x in (verb_code($prog, "@list", 0, 0)) if (code == 0) elseif (index(x, "$ansi_utils:add_noansi(")) code = 0; elseif (index(x, "player:notify(tostr(what, \":\", fullname, \"") == 1) code = {@code, "$ansi_utils:add_noansi();", x}; else code = {@code, x}; endif $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); endfor if (code && (code != verb_code($prog, "@list", 0, 0))) player:notify("Setting $prog:@list..."); set_verb_code($prog, "@list", code); endif code = {}; a = {0, 0}; for x in (verb_code($generic_editor, "list_line")) a[1] = a[1] || index(x, "$ansi_utils:add_noansi("); a[2] = a[2] || index(x, "$ansi_utils:remove_noansi("); code = {@code, x}; $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); endfor a[1] || (code = {"$ansi_utils:add_noansi();", @code}); a[2] || (code = {@code, "$ansi_utils:remove_noansi();"}); if (code != verb_code($generic_editor, "list_line")) player:notify("Setting $generic_editor:list_line..."); set_verb_code($generic_editor, "list_line", code); endif $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); if (!$object_utils:defines_verb($player_db, "insert")) player:notify("Adding $player_db:insert..."); add_verb($player_db, {player, "rxd", "insert"}, {"this", "none", "this"}); set_verb_code($player_db, "insert", this.plr_db_insert); elseif (verb_code($player_db, "insert") != this.plr_db_insert) player:notify("$player_db:insert already exists, you will have to edit it manually for the ANSI, see $ansi_utils.plr_db_insert for sample code."); endif if (verb_code($generic_editor, "fill_string") != this.ge_fill_string) a = ""; while ($object_utils:has_verb($generic_editor, vname = tostr("fill_string(noansi", a, ")"))) a = tonum(a) + 1; endwhile set_verb_info($generic_editor, "fill_string", listset(verb_info($generic_editor, "fill_string"), vname, 3)); add_verb($generic_editor, {player, "rx", "fill_string"}, {"this", "none", "this"}) || player:notify("Adding new $generic_editor:fill_string..."); set_verb_code($generic_editor, "fill_string", this.ge_fill_string); endif "...ugh, I want to put $prog:@dump in here but the one I put on NestMOO is too big to search..."; "----== Set the non-printable characters ==----"; $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0); for x in ({{"escape", 27, "033"}, {"beep", 7, "007"}}) chr = x[1]; code = x[2]; octal = x[3]; if ((typeof(this.(chr)) != STR) || (length(this.(chr)) != 1)) if (eval(";return chr(64);")[1]) player:notify(tostr("Setting $ansi_utils.", chr, " with chr()...")); eval(tostr(";$ansi_utils.(\"", chr, "\")=chr(", code, ");")); elseif ((eval = eval(";return filelist(\"\", \"\");"))[1]) if ((chr + ".chr") in eval[2][1]) player:notify(tostr("Setting $ansi_utils.", chr, " with FUP from file ", chr, ".chr...")); eval(tostr(";$ansi_utils.(\"", chr, "\")=fileread(\"\", \"", chr, ".chr\")[1];")); else player:notify(tostr("FUP detected, please create a file named \"", chr, ".chr\" in the FUP directory and put an ASCII character ", code, " in it. This can be done on most systems with the command: echo -e '\\", octal, "' > ", chr, ".chr from the FUP directory.")); spiffy = 0; endif else z = this.(chr) = tostr("<----- ", $string_utils:uppercase(chr), " ----->"); player:notify(tostr("I can't find any way to set $ansi_utils.", chr, ", please either install the FUP or chr() server patches and rerun this verb, or shut down the MOO, load the DB into an editor, and replace \"", z, "\" with an ASCII character ", code, ".")); spiffy = 0; endif endif endfor if (this.active) player:notify("@ansi-setup finished."); elseif (!spiffy) player:notify("@ansi-setup can not verify that everything has been set up correctly, you will probably have to rerun this verb. If you're sure everything is correct, you can type: ;;$ansi_utils.active=1; to activate it."); elseif ($command_utils:yes_or_no("Everything seems to be set up correctly, activate the ANSI system?")) this.active = 1; "...raw notify() the first message in case it breaks, we're wizpermed anyway..."; notify(player, "The ANSI system is now active, it can be deactivated by typing: ;;$ansi_utils.active = 0;"); player:notify(tostr("Welcome to ANSI version ", this.version, ".")); else player:notify("Not activating the ANSI system, you can do this manually by typing: ;;$ansi_utils.active = 1; when you're sure everything's set up correctly."); endif endif . ;player:tell("*** Done with ANSI Utilities, Installing ANSI PC ***"); @create $player named ANSI PC,apc @prop apc."ansi_options" {} r @prop apc."ansi_title" {} r @prop apc."replace_codes" {} r @desc apc as "A player with the ability to see things in [red]c[bold][yellow]o[green]l[blue]o[purple]r[normal]." @verb apc:"ansi_option" this none this @program apc:ansi_option ":ansi_option(name) => returns the value of the specified @ansi option"; if ((a = args[1]) == "escape") return (i = $list_utils:assoc(a, this.ansi_options)) ? i[2] | 0; else return !(!(a in this.ansi_options)); endif . @verb apc:"@ansi-o*ptions" any any any @program apc:@ansi-o "@ansi-option